No Love Found!

Friday, February 24, 2012

When Allah made humans he put some of His abilities in them. The most prominent of them is “Love”. Allah teaches us to love everyone including Him, other humans and other creatures. We pray to Allah, we fulfill our duties as a Muslim or Christian because we love our creator and we do our best to make Him happy.
Our God also fell in love deeply with his messengers especially our Holy Prophet (SAW). And in return He (SAW) did his best in his duties towards Allah. Our messenger’s companions loved them more than their families.
The love which I talked about before is unconditional love that separates someone from his personal abilities and behavior and that individual is loved as the “Perfect” creature on the surface of earth.
Love happens between 2 humans. If someone fell for someone just because She/he is beautiful or handsome or intelligent then keep my words in mind that that love is not unconditional , it will remain as long as that person have that specific ability because that love is not with the individual but with that ability . In fact, that temporary affection can not be called as love.
Humans are deprived of God’s ability of love. A God can fall for human, a human can fall for God but a human can not fall for a human. If a human was suppose to fall for a human then why a mother whose love is considered the purest and the divine love for her child will vanish on dooms day.
Can a human really loves a human??What you think ??Let me know your views in the  comment section Below!!


  1. ~abbi~ said...:

    nice article natalie keep it up (y)

  1. ~abbi~ said...:

    nice article pink keep it up (y)

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Fantastic pink, where do u get these ideas from yar? Hats off to you Pink

  1. Pink said...:

    thnx well!! i get ideas from my surrounding if you observe your surrounding you will get to know about these things too.

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